1. Make sure I have 5 layers of clothing for each day between November 1 and April 1. Last year, I realized that 3 layers just wasn't going to cut it.
2. Do more journaling and blogging. I am considering a project called, "Proverbs By Marj." The first one is inspired by our daily walk through town. It goes like this: "It is hard to walk in unity with someone who is constantly kicking the stones." Can you relate to that on a spiritual level or on a physical level? If so, write and let me know how it speaks to you.
3. Be more serious about Bible Study and prayer. I need to be reminded of Who I am reading about and praying to, though I am sure my grammar is suspect in that sentence...
4. I need some warm boots.
5. I need to laugh more this year. I know I am too serious and that laughter will help me be healthier and happier.
6. I am trying to put a positive spin on all my negatives. This will take some study, I think.
7. Since my diabetes diagnosis and the need to monitor my eating and health so closely, I have spent way too much time focusing on me. More thought for the needs of others might make me forget that I am constantly feeling way too chilly (both inside the building and outside).
8. I will make lists of things about Custer that make me thankful and happy.
9. I will find a way to go to Wrangler for breakfast 6 days out of 7 from November 1 to April 1. Well, that would sure make me feel better, don't you think? Maybe this one won't be possible, but I can try.
10. Now here is where you can help me. I need suggestions, people. Time is running out and I need a plan.....