Monday, October 17, 2011

An Aha Moment!

Yesterday we were at Sunday School and Stacy was upstairs in the sound area.  Suddenly, a florescent light above her came on.  We did not notice because we were downstairs and all the lights were on there in the Sanctuary.  But Stacy noticed because she was used to being in the dark up there and the light really changed things for her.  I told her then that I thought that "would preach" and that maybe we were so comfortable in the darkness because it had become normal and usual for us.  We don't bother turning on the light because we don't need it to function.  I love to find spiritual applications in everyday situations and everyday conversation, and I usually just write such things in my Journal and think about them for awhile and move on.  This morning I was reading in 2nd Peter for my devotional time and the 2nd verse of the first chapter reads  like this:  "May God bless you with His special favor and wonderful peace as you come to know Jesus, our God and Lord, better and better."  Aha!  The reason I don't have as much peace as I desire, and as I used to have, is because I have become comfortable with my Spiritual experience and am not seeking actively to know Him better and better?  I have found many excuses (some reasonable) for my current lack of complete peace.  This allows me to not feel guilty and to carry on, secure in my salvation.  But what if I have just become accustomed to the level of light in which I have lived for years?  What if there is so much more for me to learn about Jesus, my God and Lord, so that I may serve Him better and better?  If you ask me, I will tell you that I know I have to keep growing so that I stay alive in Him.  And I do attend to daily Bible reading, and devotions, and I do pay close attention in Sunday School and Worship services.  I know that I desire in my heart to serve Him fully and lovingly.  But I wonder if I have stopped that eager, desperate search for Him that I used to know.  I don't want to forget what God has done for me!  I don't want to become so comfortable in the darkness that I turn the light back off (sorry, Stacy) when it is turned on for me by God!  From now on, I will actively seek the Light and accept His gift of peace as I seek to know Jesus better and better!  I think I will have to find new ways to do this, though, so that I get out of my comfort zone.  Strange, I used to think that my lack of peace was because of the many times in this past decade that I have been removed from my comfort zone - maybe I was not recognizing the Light that was to have shown me the way through those troubling times.  Sometimes I am a slow learner........


  1. I think this is common for so many of us. I routinely go through spots where I wonder if I'm just comfortable so I don't push or work to go out of my comfort zone. Usually this is because I'm so wrapped up in life, which often takes all we have, it seems. Finding passion for Christ anew is what keeps us fighting the good fight in sometimes short, sometimes long spurts. We may hit lulls, but you're right in that if we recognize we are being too negative or too apathetic, then we've lost some focus and need it back.

  2. I think you are right. I have been so wrapped up in my health and my daily schedule and now I have to begin asking what I am doing that is important and what should be discontinued. I think this all began when I started to feel that I was no longer in control of my life. So, I just kind of rolled over and played dead, so to speak. Time to stop all that foolishness and let God lead me again. How to do that, is the question, and I think I will inquire of Him a little more often :)

  3. Well, and I think that we all do this. I know it's way, way too easy for me to get wrapped up in our daily schedule and routine. I hate that our days are so long and we have so little time at home for what I would consider "normalcy". And so I trudge on day by day looking for some kind of way out. Perhaps Katy getting a new job would do it, I think. That would certainly change up our schedules. Would it make my day any shorter? No. Would it make hers? Likely a little, and she'd be in a better place.

    But we can get caught up in all of that and feel like there is nothing to look forward to. Just because life has thrown us this little kink doesn't mean there isn't something to it, so focusing on what we have been given is kind of my way of meeting it head on. Embrace the lack of normalcy, if that's what it even is. Don't focus on the negative aspects of it, but rather just accept it as part of my daily way of living.

    Would I like more freedom? The ability to actually get out of town once or twice a year? The chance to change up the daily routine? Oh, absolutely, and I look forward to that day, because I know it will eventually come. Until then, focus, accept, move forward. Creating a direction is half the battle. :)

  4. You know, your comments are so often just what I need to hear at that time. Thanks for being so thoughtful and insightful. I have begun a brand new Bible, which always revives me. I have enjoyed a Max Lucado Inspirational Study Bible in the New King James version for the past few days. Dan gave it to me a while ago and I am just getting to it. Today, however, I gave it away to someone who perhaps needs it right now more than I do. If I can, I will get myself another just like it because I was enjoying it so. Until then, I have many Bibles (as I am sure you are aware)that I can use. :) I am creating a new direction for myself, as you mentioned, and it is kind of exciting!
