Saturday, September 11, 2010

September Musings

Much time has passed since my last entry on this site. As I look back on my bound journal entries for that period of time the overwhelming sense is that God has been good! Actually, this was so evident because several things have gone wrong during those months! I really needed to recall just how good He is and has always been to me. The special times of celebration also reminded me that in my life the good does outweigh the bad. Do you find that to be true in your life, also? He is so patient with us during our "whine" times because He knows that eventually we will wake up and take note of the many blessings He sends our way! In fact, sometimes I think He must chuckle as He watches me worrying and being depressed because He knows how joyful I will be when I finally see what He has been preparing for me all the time. Just yesterday we saw several prayers answered in just a few moments time and I could almost see Him smiling with laughter as I got the message that He was working on my behalf all the time - such a marvelous and loving God we serve!

So, just a few notes about my life since my July vacation in Omaha: we got to be in Kyle and Kristy's wedding and that reminded us of our own wedding and honeymoon time so long ago. I am so thankful for our 45 years of marriage and looking forward to more years with the young and handsome man I married way back then! Before July was out, our Explorer died and we now have a Ford 500. The many expenses connected with that event have been graciously taken care of by our Heavenly Father. Thank you, Lord! Next, my blood glucose count has yet to return to normal after my wonderful culinary diversions in Omaha! Hopefully it won't be long now. It is better on many days but not always. Also, our dishwasher got fixed and we appreciate having that option when we need it, since most of us in this household have sensitive skin that makes it hard to keep on top of the dirty dishes that fill up our counter! Next, Dan and Stacy's car was damaged by hail and the insurance company totaled it. They were able to get a replacement that they are happy with and that they could afford with the settlement check. God has been good to them, too.

Well, that is enough for a 6 week period, don't you think? Things are better now and I have even enjoyed some chocolate chip cookies this week. I am looking forward to seeing what else God is going to do before 2010 is finished. There were other very serious things that occurred during this period that I did not mention, and prayers are still out for those things. Judging by His record so far, all things will continue to work together for good to those of us who love the Lord!