Friday, April 24, 2009

On a positive note....

I guess when you are writing to release frustrations or to vent about life in general, it serves you right when things go well for awhile, leaving you with no inspiration (or need) to write! Lately, God has been answering prayer and reminding me how much He cares for me. This last week I spent many hours in prayer for several of my loved ones who were on a long and difficult road trip. You would think I would be able to rest in God's demonstrated protection of them and maybe relax, or at least sleep at night! Not so, this time. And do you all know what stress does to glucose levels? It was not a pretty thing....leading to some depression and down time. That has passed and things are back to normal, I think. I had a good session with my diabetes educator this morning, and came away quite encouraged. My weight refuses to grow, but everything else looks okay. I have my next A1C count next Friday, so we will see if I am doing as well as we all think. Now, if only this Winter (Spring?) weather would settle down for more than a day or two at a time and give me the sunny days I so desperately need - well, then I think I would have to change my blog to reflect God's marvelous care of me and mine. What do you think?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

In the Grand Scheme of Things....

I am taking notes today about how my "woes" fit into the grand scheme of things - you know, things that really matter when all is said and done. The moving Tenebrae service last night reminded me that whatever happens in my life, Jesus is still alive and thus my life is worth living! Leaving the sanctuary last night with that darkness settling over my soul...well, let's just say that I am so glad that I know that Sunday's coming! The fact that I have Jesus in my life is more important than my health, my finances, my image, and whatever else I currently complain about. My husband reminded me just now that the fact that he and I are together and able to go for walks is really more important than anything else. So, if you hear me whining, remind me that my hay fever is a small price to pay for the beautiful flowers that color my world. Remind me that my aching shoulder and neck are better than no arm at all. Remind me that being so cold these days can be helped, at least, by my newer jacket, my bedroom heater, and a nice warm hood to block the wind as I walk. Remind me that so many children have so little to eat, while I complain about no variety in my diet and that I can't eat my favorite foods. Remind me that Diabetes is bad, but manageable - unlike some terminal illnesses. Remind me that I have a home to live in and food to eat and clothes to wear. But, most of all, remind me that God works all things together for my good. He is in every situation that I face and because I ask Him to have His will (not mine), I can rest in how it all plays out! He is risen! He is risen, indeed!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Starting something new

I have been thinking a lot about how my diabetes diagnosis has defined me this past 8 months. I don't want that to be the case, but I can't seem to get past it. What I eat, when I eat, when I have to test - all these things have to be taken into account every day. They set my schedule and they determine my activities. Everyone tells me that this will change as I get farther along. I sure hope so. I want to be defined by how I serve God and the witness I leave for Him. I want to be known by how I have parented my 3 children, by the kind of wife I have been, by the example I have set for others. I used to feel confident about most of these things, but this new disease has robbed me of my self-confidence. Now I am working on remembering that my confidence continues to be in the Lord, and He has not changed. One of my favorite songs reminds me that the God of the mountains is still God in the valleys. During my many dark, rough nights this past year, the song resounds that the God of the daytime is still God in the night. This year I want to concentrate more on that fact and thank Him more for His faithfulness and goodness to me and to my family.