Saturday, April 11, 2009

In the Grand Scheme of Things....

I am taking notes today about how my "woes" fit into the grand scheme of things - you know, things that really matter when all is said and done. The moving Tenebrae service last night reminded me that whatever happens in my life, Jesus is still alive and thus my life is worth living! Leaving the sanctuary last night with that darkness settling over my soul...well, let's just say that I am so glad that I know that Sunday's coming! The fact that I have Jesus in my life is more important than my health, my finances, my image, and whatever else I currently complain about. My husband reminded me just now that the fact that he and I are together and able to go for walks is really more important than anything else. So, if you hear me whining, remind me that my hay fever is a small price to pay for the beautiful flowers that color my world. Remind me that my aching shoulder and neck are better than no arm at all. Remind me that being so cold these days can be helped, at least, by my newer jacket, my bedroom heater, and a nice warm hood to block the wind as I walk. Remind me that so many children have so little to eat, while I complain about no variety in my diet and that I can't eat my favorite foods. Remind me that Diabetes is bad, but manageable - unlike some terminal illnesses. Remind me that I have a home to live in and food to eat and clothes to wear. But, most of all, remind me that God works all things together for my good. He is in every situation that I face and because I ask Him to have His will (not mine), I can rest in how it all plays out! He is risen! He is risen, indeed!


  1. Amen! It could always be worse, but praise the Lord it isn't and He is good. He has given us so many blessings and is daily providing for our needs. This week has been a very good reminder of that.

  2. Stacy, I was thinking that very thing when I wrote. God has shown His attention to us this week in a much-needed way. He does still watch over us. Hopefully I remember that in the next great "crisis".

  3. A real lesson I've learned over these past two years is that whatever the size of the "crisis" I am experiencing, that size is irrelevant to God. Whether it's something huge or seemingly unimportant by human standards, it's a big deal to Him. He consistently lets me know I am under His loving hands and that I have no worries He cannot take care of for me.

    We have to know that no matter our situation, our constant conversation with Him can only lead to quiet rest in a peace He alone can afford. Health issues, money issues, whatever they may be--they are easy for God to handle and all we have to do is ask. Ask and we shall receive. We may need to work to grasp the depth of His answer, but He will provide and always does. :)

  4. Thanks, Scott. That is a good reminder to me to rest in Him and remember that He knows that I am weak and can only triumph through His grace and enablement.
