Wednesday, December 29, 2010

October - December growing times

Yes, I am alive and well and still in Custer. After watching the horrendous weather reports for elsewhere in our country, however, I guess I am okay here for awhile. Going south does not seem to be such a good idea this year! We have had a busy and full life since I last wrote and I think I should recap some of it. We like our new Wildcat location, for the most part. It is smaller, but we can figure it out. Lots more visibility and easier access to Subway for lunch or coffee out! Then, I have watched many Gaither Homecoming videos since October. One I really enjoyed featured the Goodmans singing, "I don't regret a mile I've traveled for the Lord," and this really blessed me because it is so very true! Not everything has gone well in my 68 years but God has blessed me so much that I don't regret a moment that I have served Him. I just wish all my young progeny would see the truth in that and believe also.

Then, Proverb #2 came to me on October 13, as I was looking out over town from the window near my desk at Wildcat: "Even when surrounded by these inspirational and beautiful hills, most of my reality occurs on the flat streets and roads." I so seldom look up at the hills as everyday I am concentrating on my errands and life on the flat streets of town. This really speaks to me. Because of this, my Proverb #3 says, "Once in awhile it is good to stand at the top and marvel at God's workings below."

Next comes a quote from a Jean Kirkpatrick novel I was reading, "My our closeness he gives to me without regard for what I might give him back. He offers without obligation, without debt. That is perhaps the greatest gift of love. In it lies sweet shelter." This is so like my own husband - I love you sweetie!

Also in October came Lisa's bout with blood clots in her leg. We are so grateful to God for His protection of her and that she seems to be healing well. Regarding her clotting factor, her doctor told her that she was "on the low end of normal, just slightly" and we all agreed, of course :)

In November Dan and Stacy went to Kansas to celebrate and perform Darcy's wedding, and came home to begin planning for a busy and important job at Wildcat. Much of December was consumed by that job also, and much blessing has also resulted. We also began eating a couple of lunches weekly with the Senior during that time and it has been fun and a way of getting us outside of ourselves. A scripture that spoke to me in November was Numbers 8:2 where God tells Moses to have Aaron place the 7 lamps in the lampstand in such a way that their light shines forward. I have been placed here in Custer in such a way that my light may shine forward and I pray that it does!

December blessings have included more coffees out, more good books to read, a good Christmas celebration, better nights of sleep, lots of memories of my family Christmases as I grew up, a new perm, God's care of Zac when he got into his dad's medicine and when he fell at Daycare, Hallmark Christmas movies, and remembering that I am bought with a price and fully in God's care. Lots of hunting trips have produced some venison for this next year, and I am considering New Year's Resolutions. I believe that God has helped me to see that enduring the winter is very possible when I concentrate on Him and look constantly for His blessings. My bound journal is really very interesting lately! Thank you, Lord, for my salvation, my family, my friends, my home, my electric heater, and for Christmas!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ten Ways to Get Through the Winter

Everyone who knows me knows that I really want to be somewhere warmer for the next 6 or 7 months. Since that is (yet again!) not happening, I have compiled a list of ways to make it through the Winter here in Custer. I would welcome your input, if you are feeling so inclined:

1. Make sure I have 5 layers of clothing for each day between November 1 and April 1. Last year, I realized that 3 layers just wasn't going to cut it.
2. Do more journaling and blogging. I am considering a project called, "Proverbs By Marj." The first one is inspired by our daily walk through town. It goes like this: "It is hard to walk in unity with someone who is constantly kicking the stones." Can you relate to that on a spiritual level or on a physical level? If so, write and let me know how it speaks to you.
3. Be more serious about Bible Study and prayer. I need to be reminded of Who I am reading about and praying to, though I am sure my grammar is suspect in that sentence...
4. I need some warm boots.
5. I need to laugh more this year. I know I am too serious and that laughter will help me be healthier and happier.
6. I am trying to put a positive spin on all my negatives. This will take some study, I think.
7. Since my diabetes diagnosis and the need to monitor my eating and health so closely, I have spent way too much time focusing on me. More thought for the needs of others might make me forget that I am constantly feeling way too chilly (both inside the building and outside).
8. I will make lists of things about Custer that make me thankful and happy.
9. I will find a way to go to Wrangler for breakfast 6 days out of 7 from November 1 to April 1. Well, that would sure make me feel better, don't you think? Maybe this one won't be possible, but I can try.
10. Now here is where you can help me. I need suggestions, people. Time is running out and I need a plan.....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September Musings

Much time has passed since my last entry on this site. As I look back on my bound journal entries for that period of time the overwhelming sense is that God has been good! Actually, this was so evident because several things have gone wrong during those months! I really needed to recall just how good He is and has always been to me. The special times of celebration also reminded me that in my life the good does outweigh the bad. Do you find that to be true in your life, also? He is so patient with us during our "whine" times because He knows that eventually we will wake up and take note of the many blessings He sends our way! In fact, sometimes I think He must chuckle as He watches me worrying and being depressed because He knows how joyful I will be when I finally see what He has been preparing for me all the time. Just yesterday we saw several prayers answered in just a few moments time and I could almost see Him smiling with laughter as I got the message that He was working on my behalf all the time - such a marvelous and loving God we serve!

So, just a few notes about my life since my July vacation in Omaha: we got to be in Kyle and Kristy's wedding and that reminded us of our own wedding and honeymoon time so long ago. I am so thankful for our 45 years of marriage and looking forward to more years with the young and handsome man I married way back then! Before July was out, our Explorer died and we now have a Ford 500. The many expenses connected with that event have been graciously taken care of by our Heavenly Father. Thank you, Lord! Next, my blood glucose count has yet to return to normal after my wonderful culinary diversions in Omaha! Hopefully it won't be long now. It is better on many days but not always. Also, our dishwasher got fixed and we appreciate having that option when we need it, since most of us in this household have sensitive skin that makes it hard to keep on top of the dirty dishes that fill up our counter! Next, Dan and Stacy's car was damaged by hail and the insurance company totaled it. They were able to get a replacement that they are happy with and that they could afford with the settlement check. God has been good to them, too.

Well, that is enough for a 6 week period, don't you think? Things are better now and I have even enjoyed some chocolate chip cookies this week. I am looking forward to seeing what else God is going to do before 2010 is finished. There were other very serious things that occurred during this period that I did not mention, and prayers are still out for those things. Judging by His record so far, all things will continue to work together for good to those of us who love the Lord!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Vacation was satisfying to me

I needed a few days to rest up from my vacation so that I could write about it here. I am almost back to Mountain Time and my usual schedule, except that I still go to bed too early! I thought I would just list a few thoughts about our two weeks, because if I tried to discuss the entire experience, I would run out of room! From the first day there I was grateful for the peace and quiet and the chance to read to my heart's content - too bad I took only 3 books! I could have read several more. Another thing I enjoyed was the chance to get to know Zac, who is such a cutie! I think I really like 2 year olds that are not my own. I see only the good stuff and not the "terrible" stuff you hear about. Besides, I don't have enough strength to keep up with them for too long!

The different worship experience at Avery Presbyterian was another plus. I enjoyed the hymns, the fellowship, the warmth I felt there. It is always good to see how others do things on Sunday mornings. Both Sundays were highlights for me! It didn't hurt that we got to go out to eat each Sunday after church, by the way! That is as it should be, I think, but not possible on a regular basis. Much of that time was spent with Katy's extended family and they are so much fun to be around. I especially enjoyed my birthday celebration at their house (Gary and Nell's) with the wonderful beef brisket and the birthday cake that Katy made for me. Lots of good stuff! My actual birthday was so wonderful in that we got to spend the day in Lincoln and then eat at the original Valentino's, which brought back many great memories.

The plumbing problems that occurred at Scott's place made for some memories, too. But not the pleasant type. They took up lots of Scott's time (and Dad's, too) but everything got resolved, eventually. I guess a service contract is the best way to go, if you are a homeowner.

We enjoyed our time with Claire, for sure! And the Farmhouse Cafe was another special time, for several reasons. We enjoyed Scott's neighborhood, but I could do without Interstate travel. Too many souvenirs in my Journal mess with the Binding, bottled water gets expensive when you have guests, and I don't need a big screen t.v. I guess that about sums up my musings for today. I really enjoyed my time there and am really thankful for the experience!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cloudy day musings

I am writing today only because it has been a month and I really need to keep up with this thing that I have started. At least, it seems to me like once you begin something you should make every effort to finish it. I need to set a good example for the next generation - insofar as it is up to me, anyway. So, today, it is gloomy and rainy and that really affects my mood. It is so much easier to be thankful and cheery when the sun is shining. Maybe I should be living in California or somewhere where it is sunny more often than it is in South Dakota. I have discussed this with God at great length but have not succeeded in persuading Him that I need more sun! I wonder what He knows that I don't know. Regardless of my mood, though, my list of answered prayers is getting quite long! And that does truly put a smile on my face when I consider it. There are many fervent prayers yet to be answered but I have faith that the answers are on the way.

Tonight at our Ladies' Bible Study we will be studying Leah - the woman with the lovely eyes and a husband who did not love her. I am not the leader so I do not know how it will all be taught but I know for sure that I would rather have a loving husband and nothing else than to have riches and beauty and an unhappy marriage. And, Leah had God to help her and walk alongside her in her hard times. I have that, too, and a loving husband and several good kids besides! So what is all this gloominess and crying out for sunny days? Well, I am only human, you know. Check back with me in May or June and see if I have learned anything from all these April clouds and rain - maybe some flowers are in store?

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Blessing a Day Keeps the......

I am looking forward to the day when I will be able to hook my computer up to myself so that at night when I have these great insights I can just push the button and it will read my mind and print out my thoughts! I can never remember the next day all the things I wanted to write down and that would help me out a lot! Last night I was thinking about my new practice of listing at least 3 blessings in my journal each night before I go to bed. Sometimes I cannot recall 3 (!) and so I have to ask someone around me to add one or two to help me out. And if that does not work, I add the line that "only God knows" because I figure there are undoubtedly many wonderful things that God has done for me each day that I did not see or did not remember, and that way I am covered. Some of the more easily overlooked blessings have been things like a sunny day, a great cup of coffee, a toe that no longer hurts, hymns that have such a great message, prescription coverage, polka music, beef pot roast, coffee with friends, and that "this could be the dawning of That Day". And that would be just for March alone. I am training myself to write down smaller blessings because anyone can see the big ones like health, food, family, etc. I am trying to see if the recognition of blessings can help keep the Devil away. I have noticed that I have a tendency lately to complain and whine too much and I know this does not please God, especially as He does so many wondrous things for me. When I do this, God likes to bring before me the faces of people who really do have a problem worth complaining about - like Jenni and her Sjogren's, and Lisa and her knee, and my friend whose husband left her, and Scott who went so many months without employment, and like Rachel from our Bible Study whose father tricked her on her wedding night and gave her intended groom to her older sister, and like the paralyzed, the really poor, and so many others. Okay, so I have a rather long list of things that I wish were different but God is telling me that He knows what I need and that He is completing in me that Salvation that He began almost 54 years ago. That knowledge alone should be enough to change the whining to praising. I am working on it!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Page 2 of 2

Today as I sat in our car waiting for my husband, I looked down and saw a note I had written on some scrap paper. The corner of the scrap paper noted that it was page 2 of 2 and that got me thinking. I love to turn innocent signs into funny messages and this was no exception. I thought that it would make a good status report for my facebook account or for my yahoo account but I could see the many questions it would raise among my friends and family. So I decided to flesh it out on my blog site. My first thought was that, "Yes, that is where I am at in life - I am on page 2 of 2. But when did page 1 flip over to 2? Was it at age 33 and the end may be soon? Or did it turn at age 66 and I have lots of time left - or maybe at age 50 and ...well you get the picture." Then I thought about how this page 2 of 2 is just an extra attachment to the real receipt that we had printed for an online bill payment. It was really kind of useless in one way, but very useful for scrap paper needs. Some may have thrown it away, but I was happy to recycle it. Then I said to my husband, "this will preach!" kind of similar to "that dog will hunt", etc. You know, none of us knows just what page we are on in our life span. Good thing we don't know - saves a lot of unnecessary worry and stress. Maybe the best is yet to come, and maybe not. Either way, the Person at the word processor is in charge and we can just relax and let Him finish His story as He plans. Secondly, in His plan, there is no useless paper at the end. He only prints out what is needed and if it looks useless to me -well I just better be getting busy and recycling it and finding new uses for it! In the same way that the pot does not question the Potter, so the paper does not get to question the Printer ( a little license with Romans 9:21). I just love the One who created me, and I feel confident that His plan for me is best. Wherever I am in His story for me, I want to give Him glory and meet His expectations!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Februarys in my life

This week we are thinking about Valentine's Day and I have lots to think about when it comes to February 14. My first thought is that my most important Valentine must always go to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. No one has ever loved me more than He does and someday I will be able to tell Him in person just how much I appreciate that love! But after Him, I remember that it was on February 11, 1965 that Rowland A. Benedict asked me to marry him and I surprised him by saying, "yes." There was a lot of drama in my life at that time (a very long story) and he was not sure where he stood with me. I knew that it was God's will that I marry this guy, but I had a few loose ends to tie up first. How very patient he was, while I got things settled! It was surely training for him because I don't think I have ever really been what you would call a predictable wife - but 45 years from that night I can say that I am so glad that I listened to God and made the right decision. In August we will celebrate 45 years of marriage and that is not nearly long enough to love him and be loved by him! If you see him this week, be sure to tell him what a great guy he is for treasuring me all these years - I plan to tell him that daily for the rest of my life!

Every February I temper my joy with sadness when I remember the February 12,1995 when my mom passed away and we were so many miles away that we could not get back to celebrate her life with the family there in New York. Then, 3 years later, on February 11, 1998 my "favorite" sister passed away, also in New York. This time our church people paid our way back to do a burial service for her and to join many of my siblings to remember Marion . As we gathered, we also spent many hours remembering my mom, and this was a very healing time for me.

To my 3 children and their spouses, and to my grandchildren, and to my great-grandchildren, and to my treasured friends - thanks for making February a happy month in 2010! And to my husband, "Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart! I love you more than life itself!"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

On Birthday #13

Today, Julie is 13! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! And now that both of my youngest grand-daughters are 13, it brings back memories of that time in my life. That was way back in 1955 (could you girls believe it?) and I celebrated at a family camp outside of Corning, New York. I remember what a fun time that whole week was, even though it rained a lot, as always happened at camp, it seems. And it was so humid that even though I curled my hair every night, sleeping on those awful rollers, 5 minutes after I left my tent my hair was straight and limp! This is not what you want when you are trying to catch the eye of certain young man but there was no solution for us in those days. And it did not keep me from enjoying the activities of camp. I made lasting friendships at that camp that continue to this day. But the most important friendship I made that Summer was the relationship I found with Jesus Christ. He became my saviour, my friend, my confidant, my counselor, my comforter - everything that I had been looking for, and all that I needed! He remains so to this day! This friendship has made the biggest impact on my life and influenced everything I did from that point on. My choice of college, my choice of my life partner, the career path I chose, my choice of friends - there is nothing I have done since July 15, 1955 that has not been guided by my choice to serve God and follow Him to the end of my days. I have not always done the best I could, but I have always wanted to do right and have accepted His forgiveness for the times that I have disappointed Him. Now, what does this all have to do with today? Just that I would say to Julie and to Claire, and to all my grandchildren that there is no bigger decision you will make today than the decision of what you will do with Jesus. I have prayed long and will continue to do so that you will choose to serve Him and put Him first in your life. Many choices will come your way as a teenager that will have lasting consequences - for good or for bad. Having Christ in your heart will make these choices easier and more wise. Before this day is over I hope that your best friend will be my best friend and I know you will never regret it - guaranteed!