Thursday, January 14, 2010

On Birthday #13

Today, Julie is 13! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! And now that both of my youngest grand-daughters are 13, it brings back memories of that time in my life. That was way back in 1955 (could you girls believe it?) and I celebrated at a family camp outside of Corning, New York. I remember what a fun time that whole week was, even though it rained a lot, as always happened at camp, it seems. And it was so humid that even though I curled my hair every night, sleeping on those awful rollers, 5 minutes after I left my tent my hair was straight and limp! This is not what you want when you are trying to catch the eye of certain young man but there was no solution for us in those days. And it did not keep me from enjoying the activities of camp. I made lasting friendships at that camp that continue to this day. But the most important friendship I made that Summer was the relationship I found with Jesus Christ. He became my saviour, my friend, my confidant, my counselor, my comforter - everything that I had been looking for, and all that I needed! He remains so to this day! This friendship has made the biggest impact on my life and influenced everything I did from that point on. My choice of college, my choice of my life partner, the career path I chose, my choice of friends - there is nothing I have done since July 15, 1955 that has not been guided by my choice to serve God and follow Him to the end of my days. I have not always done the best I could, but I have always wanted to do right and have accepted His forgiveness for the times that I have disappointed Him. Now, what does this all have to do with today? Just that I would say to Julie and to Claire, and to all my grandchildren that there is no bigger decision you will make today than the decision of what you will do with Jesus. I have prayed long and will continue to do so that you will choose to serve Him and put Him first in your life. Many choices will come your way as a teenager that will have lasting consequences - for good or for bad. Having Christ in your heart will make these choices easier and more wise. Before this day is over I hope that your best friend will be my best friend and I know you will never regret it - guaranteed!


  1. Great testimony my Sweetheart! I would say a big YES and AMEN! With all the distractions of life today it is very important to have guidance for life-changing decisions. Jesus Christ does that for you.

  2. Nicely said, mom, and the storytelling aspect of it reminded me of Katy's grandma's columns, which I see show up now on the Enterprise-Journal site again after a bit of an absence. :)
