Friday, October 8, 2010

Ten Ways to Get Through the Winter

Everyone who knows me knows that I really want to be somewhere warmer for the next 6 or 7 months. Since that is (yet again!) not happening, I have compiled a list of ways to make it through the Winter here in Custer. I would welcome your input, if you are feeling so inclined:

1. Make sure I have 5 layers of clothing for each day between November 1 and April 1. Last year, I realized that 3 layers just wasn't going to cut it.
2. Do more journaling and blogging. I am considering a project called, "Proverbs By Marj." The first one is inspired by our daily walk through town. It goes like this: "It is hard to walk in unity with someone who is constantly kicking the stones." Can you relate to that on a spiritual level or on a physical level? If so, write and let me know how it speaks to you.
3. Be more serious about Bible Study and prayer. I need to be reminded of Who I am reading about and praying to, though I am sure my grammar is suspect in that sentence...
4. I need some warm boots.
5. I need to laugh more this year. I know I am too serious and that laughter will help me be healthier and happier.
6. I am trying to put a positive spin on all my negatives. This will take some study, I think.
7. Since my diabetes diagnosis and the need to monitor my eating and health so closely, I have spent way too much time focusing on me. More thought for the needs of others might make me forget that I am constantly feeling way too chilly (both inside the building and outside).
8. I will make lists of things about Custer that make me thankful and happy.
9. I will find a way to go to Wrangler for breakfast 6 days out of 7 from November 1 to April 1. Well, that would sure make me feel better, don't you think? Maybe this one won't be possible, but I can try.
10. Now here is where you can help me. I need suggestions, people. Time is running out and I need a plan.....

1 comment:

  1. Well let's see:
    1. I don't think I need extra layers, but if you do, hopefully you've got enough to put on. :)
    2. I say we petition now for a "Book of Marj" in the next version of the NLT translation of the Bible. :)
    3. Amen to this. Striving to achieve this if we can ever remove sickness and tiredness from the house we could actually start it back up.
    4. I need some new tennis shoes of some sort, myself, but perhaps not boots. Although, it would occasionally be beneficial if my hunting boots were down here instead of up there.
    5. Agreed. I've been concentrating on this myself, and it ties to the next one...
    6. Focusing on the positive is a key, and making sure your diet is right helps. I had to add a B-Complex, which fights stress and is an antioxidant. I feel better lately.
    7. I got some lousy news at a screening for Katy's wellness plan a week and a half ago. This has pushed me to alter some of what I eat, add in a few supplements to help cholesterol and metabolism, watch portions a little better and look to exercise.
    8. I like lots of what Custer has to offer! Actually, for me, I have to focus on the good despite our expectation to continue commuting through the winter.
    9. I can't go to Wrangler, so this isn't helpful to me at all. I can eat breakfast sandwiches with egg whites instead of whole eggs, though, and do McDonald's on Saturdays. Does this count?
    10. Thoughts. Hmmmm, I think you are on track. With the way winter is there and with the house being removed from where the action is in town, I suggest you continue to spend time in town at the store or otherwise for at least half of every day, perhaps even more in the afternoons so you don't seem so separated from everyone else. Also, keep the shades and curtains open so sunlight is in the house at all times. That house is so dark and it's hard to make it bright, but that's also part of why I think being in town more would be good. Spend time each week enjoying the stores that are open, at the library if there is one, etc. Being involved with others tends to break down my tendency to sometimes be reclusive. :)
