Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Proposal Blog

Valentine's Day has always been special for me but in 1965 it really took on added meaning.  It kind of became the beginning of the tail end of a long story that still brings reactions whenever I tell it, especially to family members.  You would have to know that long ago in another galaxy I was pre-engaged to someone I had been dating for about 4 years.  One night, God had made it clear to me that this guy and I would never be married in His plan for me.  Being mildly rebellious and fancying myself in a "forever love" situation, I chose to hide that revelation and proceed on the assumption that I had misunderstood God, knowing full well I had not.  About a year later, something occurred that did, indeed, break us up and sent me into a spiral of depression. My friends all counseled me, a senior in college, to still trust God for my now-broken future.  Their words were something like, "there are many fish in the ocean - too bad you got a rotten one," and things like that.  You know how friends are.  In early Autumn 1964 we all decided to go to a Youth For Christ meeting in Rochester and needed a ride to get there from North Chili, New York.  Guess who had a car and was willing to give us a ride?  This nice young guy who was from near my hometown and who I knew from riding back home from college on holidays and weekends - who had just broken up with his long-time girlfriend back home, that's who!  So on the way back from Youth For Christ he heard all my friends giving me their advice and formulated a plan.  As he dropped everyone off at their dorms he arranged to drop me off last and then invited me to go to church with him the next morning and then to lunch.  As we talked over lunch I mentioned that God had told me I would be marrying a minister but I did not currently know any ministerial students.  He said, "Well now you do!"  I said, "no, you are a History major," and he said, "yes, with a Bible minor.  God has called me into the ministry."  Talk about being embarrassed!  It was like throwing myself at him!  Well, as the Fall progressed we dated and got along well but I was still carrying a torch for the former guy.  At Christmas time, Rol's dad had a stroke and he decided to give up his work on his advanced degree and go home to help his dad.  And, besides, this thing with me was not working out and I was going to see my former beau on New Year's Eve, and there was no hope, etc, etc, so he was giving up!  Well, that put a scare into me because even though I was seeing both guys at the same time (and there are several good stories associated with that) I really was beginning to care for him and beginning to feel there was a future there.  So I begged him not to give up and we decided to go on from there.  So, around Valentine's day of 1965 we were sitting in his car, late evening, outside the house where he was staying.  One thing led to another (now, don't go there!) and he said he loved me and asked me to marry him.  I told him I would, but asked him to let me tell my former beau first, to break it gently, so to speak.  Now I know what you are thinking, and you are right - this guy is a saint and a keeper!  He would pass through many rough waters between the "Yes" and the "I Do", but it was such great preparation  for what has turned into 48 years and counting!  No one else could ever have been so patient, so understanding, so very loving!  And we are even more in love today than all those years ago.  He has a lovely crown waiting for him in Heaven, I am sure!  God bless you, my Valentine!


  1. No saint but still very much in love with my special sweetheart! She was and still "the keeper."

  2. That puts "Love at first sight" into a new meaning!

  3. OK, now there were a few details in there I sure hadn't heard! Thanks for sharing this, mom!

  4. I have decided I'd like more details on HOW the proposal occurred. Dad should have some idea of what he was thinking and how he wanted to go about it he could share. :)
