Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Saturday in Custer

Today is Saturday and for some reason Saturdays seem right for posting new blogs. Maybe because I feel like Saturdays are more free and days to do different things. This was never so during our days of active ministry. Saturdays were always planning days for Sunday and so Mondays became our day of freedom. I still consider Monday my favorite day, but "not so much". So, today we plan to go into town and spend some time with the Gold Discovery Days crowd, watch a parade, wander through the exhibits. Should be relaxing if I can figure how to keep to my eating schedule in the midst of it all. Lately, my schedule has been off more than it has been on, and that reflects in my glucose counts. Also, we have to figure out how to clean the church sometime today. My husband is already tired from his week or two of coordinating our Right To Life float for today's parade. We'll just get today over with and he can relax, perhaps. Retirement has not been a life of ease for him, on many different fronts! Perhaps it looks so to some friends/family, but not to us. Well, we just thank God for His provision for us in this time of our lives, and for His great love and care as we try to serve Him in a different way.

Julie went to the emergency room last night with a high temp and we are waiting to see the outcome of that trip, Scott has had many talks with his prospective employer this past week, Zac is walking or running around like a pro, the g'g'kids are getting cuter and smarter as the months progress, Jennifer has finalized plans for a wedding in September and has undergone oral surgery in preparation for dentures, and probably lots of stuff that I have left out but that is how our week has gone and proof that life goes on after retirement!

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