Friday, September 14, 2012

My Blog is in a Holding Pattern

I have never been in an airplane that had to circle the airport waiting for permission to land.  I imagine that it could be a minor inconvenience, or it could possibly turn into a scary proposition.  I have been feeling, lately, that my own life is in a holding pattern, and so I have been thinking of the best ways to cope until everything gets resolved and we get to land at our planned destination.  Of course, that makes me wonder if we have maybe boarded the wrong "plane" and the whole outcome will be changed - but that is a topic for a whole other blog.  Let's assume that we have made the right travel plans and now the task is just to keep on until this particular leg of the flight is finished.  What does one do to make the time productive as we circle the airport?  I assume that my Air Traffic Controller is God, since He has been in control of my life since at least 1955, so I am at His mercy on this flight.  The pilot of my plane is Jesus, since I asked Him to guide and direct me and have never changed my mind about that choice.  The Stewardess or helper on this flight is the Holy Spirit and also God's Holy Word and other Christian mentors.  So I have all I need for a successful outcome.

The passengers on this flight with me are mostly family, friends, those who care about me and mine.  What we can mostly do is engage each other in conversation about our experiences and where we are headed.  We must encourage each other,  pray with each other, relate our past experiences in similar holding situations.  We must learn emergency procedures (just in case), tie up loose ends , walk around if we can - for our health, listen for instructions from those in charge, remind ourselves why we trust our pilot, be kind to all around us and share.  I guess we should keep doing the next thing to do, and then try to enjoy the view out the window!  

It is interesting to note that a synonym for holding pattern is "doldrums".  Since that is how I am sometimes feeling, my blog site is also in the doldrums - feeling like I have nothing important to share.  However, this morning I decided to write anyway, sharing what I am learning from this situation in my life.  Eventually, all this will become a written devotional, since that is how I operate.  But for now I am just in the outline and research stage - open to comments and suggestions.  This morning I was reading in Hebrews, chapter 3 about how we are warned to listen to the Holy Spirit and be careful to hear His voice today so our hearts do not become set against Him, as the people of Israel did.  They complained and steeled themselves against Him in the desert while He was testing them.  "Their hearts were always looking somewhere else instead of up to me, and they never found the paths I wanted them to follow."  I want to be looking up to Him in this desert time (holding pattern) so that I will be following the paths He has planned for me and not miss His promised rest and reward.

Allow me a little personal thought right here:  if we are in this holding pattern above "earth" so long that (or because) we are not destined for the airport but for a higher and better place, let me be a little excited.  That would be another satisfactory conclusion to this whole thing.  If not Red Cloud, then Heaven!  Who could complain!  Do you think I will have permanent curls in Heaven?  I do!!!


  1. As we are just finishing our study of Genesis here, I have to comment on the holding pattern that you mention. You refer to the holding pattern as the time in the desert, but it is important to remember that the Israelites were in a holding pattern for much longer than the time they roamed the desert.

    When God sent Jacob/Israel to Egypt for Joseph's protection and provision, that was the beginning of a 400 year holding pattern in which the Israelites would be waiting to return to the Promise Land. It was a time God used to fulfill His purposes and for the covenant plan to fall into place.

    We do not always know God's plan when he sends us into a holding pattern, but as Jacob persevered his holding pattern in Laban's household and as Joseph persevered in Egypt before being reunited with his family, we to must persevere. Our holding pattern/perseverance may just be preparing the way for something great.

    And if nothing else, we can be extremely grateful that we do not live to the age they did in bible time, as 400 years is a long time to wait. ;-)

  2. Those are good thoughts - thanks, Stacy. I wonder how 400 years in their long life spans would translate in our day and age. By 400 years, I would no longer be caring, for sure!

  3. None of them at that time lived for 400 years either. I think Moses only lived about 120 years.
    And yes, the holding time is a learning time and settling in time with God.

  4. That is the only thing that makes it good, especially as that is how we will see it as we look back later. God is good to give us these kinds of special learning and growing times. But that does not make them easy. I am into another of those "Whatever it takes" times and so I know it will be worth it!

  5. Personally, I'm about ready for every one of these things to kick into place so the holding pattern can go away. Feel like I've been in it since about 2007. :)

  6. I agree. I wish I knew what God is thinking.
