Friday, June 29, 2012

June Journal Thoughts, Part 2

Tomorrow, June 2012 comes to a close with an extra second added to our clocks.  We are always asking for more time in a day and now we will get it!  I doubt it will help me any, but maybe you.  Meanwhile, back to June notes so I can rest and enter July with a clean slate, so to speak.
     June 14th: Flag Day but our flag is in Nebraska...Today I remembered the thought that a man's reach must exceed his grasp, else what's a Heaven for.  I will never be really happy here in this life - I am always reaching higher - and I will LOVE Heaven when I get there because all will be fulfilled, all will be right :)  Reading in Acts 1 today.  They prayed for 3 days before the Holy Spirit was given.  I remember the power to witness that I felt when the Spirit was given to me, both at salvation in 1955 and at sanctification in 1972.
     June 15th: Happy Birthday, Joyce!  I am in Isaiah 41 today just for a change of pace.  Verse 4 is great!  God is the one who has directed the affairs of mankind.  He is the first and the last - PTL!  Verses 9 and 10 say, "I have called you back from the ends of the earth...I have chosen you and will not throw you away.  Fear not, for I am with you.  Do not be dismayed.  I am your God.  I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand."  Okay!!!!   Got a 2003 Red Plymouth Voyager minivan today - God is good to us.
     June 17th:  Dan turns 40 today.  I am old - and it is Fathers Day.  Our 6th one post heart attack!  It's a good day to be alive, to be me, and to have God in my life :)  Isaiah 43, "When you go through (weary glen) I will be with won't drown...the flames won't consume you."  Verse 19, "I am doing a brand-new thing.  See, I have already begun...a road through the wilderness..."  Verse 20: "...yes, springs in the chosen ones...can be refreshed."  This so very much for me in June 2012!
     June 18th:  I am singing this morning, "God has blotted them out, I'm happy and glad and free. God has blotted them out - I'll turn to Isaiah and see.  Chapter 44, 22 and 3 - He's blotted them out and now I can shout for that means me!"  One of the first camp songs I ever learned.  And now I see in Isaiah 43:25-26 that though He never thinks of our sins again after He blots them out, He says here to remind Him of His promise of forgiveness.  "We must talk about your sins.  Plead your case for my forgiving you."  So, it is okay to ask forgiveness anew each time these sins come to mind again - I can grow through that experience.
     June 19th:  It's another good morning!  Sunny, food to eat, a warm bed, wonderful husband, great God and Saviour, good neighbors, family safe and sound, Dan and Stacy in a good place, financially stable, nice "new" vehicle, Jenni's baby well so far.....And then to Isaiah 46:13 - "I am offering you my deliverance; not in the distant future, but right now!"
     June 20th:  Got my new Study Bible - won't be writing in it.  Need to get a new Living Bible in Red Cloud.  I need one I have room to write in.
     June 21st:  Wasted a piece of toast at 5:35 a.m.  It flipped off the plate and desk and onto the floor, buttered side down.  Ah, well...
     June 22nd:  Confession time - told Rol that I had made every breakfast mistake I could, so far, but not once did I repeat a mistake.  "Perfection" eludes me...  Made appointment for perm.
     June 23rd:  Sermon notes on Isaiah 52: Problem - we have fallen into sin.  Pain - we can't get up.  Provision - Someone has responded to help us with forgiveness and cleansing and healing.  He did it voluntarily, vicariously, and victoriously!  My husband preached such great sermons and he did it so well!
     June 24th:  Really bummed out about this 4:00 service thing (worship today) but I am trying to get over my upset over minor inconveniences.  "Why is everything always about me?  Let me truly worship you today and find ways to make your day glad!"
     On June 26th I got curly hair again!  Then 27th through 29th, reading in Jude about our responsibility as Christians: Develop our faith, Devotion, Discipline, Destiny, Duty (have compassion on doubters), Decision (pull others from the fire), Despise the sin they are in and Doxology (praising God only).  On the 29th, Sandra's friend Jasmine Floyd and her pre-schooler were hit by a Jeep in town and life-flighted to Rapid hospital.  They will be okay.

To finish off June, our daily devotional ends with this prayer: "You know the struggles that we face, Lord.  You know just what we need to endure them.  Give us the confidence to trust you because of your goodness  and to walk by faith.  Amen. "  The author reminds us that God knows where we are and that He is very much aware of the difficult situation we are in and provides the confidence and strength needed to live for His glory.  Help is on the way!

1 comment:

  1. Well, Sweetheart, you constantly amaze me! I feel so blessed to have had you in my life for the past 47 years we have been husband and wife. I have often thought that God should have called you to be a pastor as you often come up with such great insights from His Word. Of course, he would have had to boost your voice to do the preaching! So many times you have helped keep me on track spiritually and in ministry situations. What an awesome wife and mother you are! Aside from salvation, God has blessed me with you and our family along with His Call to Ministry. Those God-given instincts for ministry are still present though I am glad to be away from the day-to-day pressures and administration. Those daily "struggles" that are such a disturbance to you become blessings to others, myself included. Much love to you, my awesome wife!
