Monday, September 7, 2009

September is a favorite month

When I was younger, September was so exciting because it meant the start of a new school year with new children to teach and fun things to do. Today, September still feels good but for different reasons. I have always loved Autumn, even if it brings different allergy problems and even if it means Winter is on the horizon. The feel of the air is still pleasant and September is when it all begins. Today is Labor Day and it should be a relaxing day with no real pressure. Before the day is out I hope to have arranged for a new phone, which is desperately needed. I will plan out my week and perhaps plan out the whole month. I will plan and then God will overrule as He sees fit. That's okay with me! Then tomorrow we will spend most of the day in Rapid at the Heart Doctors for Rol's yearly stress test and to set up a research study he plans to participate in. Stacy and I will use that time to get our hair done at the Beauty College and we will all finish up with lunch out. On Wednesday we get to have coffee out with Carl and Miriam again and on Saturday Stacy and I will have coffee with some of our friends. Add to all this the fact that Husker football has begun again and the week is shaping up to be good!

In church these days we are concentrating on Holiness and Sanctification and Solitude - three heavy and wonderful subjects. God is drawing me closer to Him and I am amazed at the love I still feel when I turn to Him. I still believe in the truths that drew me way back when I first heard the good news of salvation and meaningful life in Him. I have been seeking new purpose in my life lately, and I believe He is showing me that my new purpose is just a renewal of the original purpose I was assigned when I first began to love Him. That purpose is to give glory to God and tell others the "old, old story." Pray for me as I pray for you that "God will give you a complete understanding of what He wants to do in your make you wise with spiritual wisdom...that you will learn to know God better and better...that you will be strengthened with His glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father..." (Col. 1:9-12a)

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